Saturday, February 1, 2014

Day Z (7 out of 10 and lots of potential)

Life 1: Graphics and everything were out of whack and I could barely move before 2 zombies attacked me. It was all over in

Life 2: Still fighting with the graphics. I chose a night server because of ignorance and appeared to have spawned next to some barn. I spent about 10 minutes trying to get into the barn before moving on. I found a small village and groped around literally not being able to see anything. I turned shadows off and then I had night vision. Eventually a zombie attacked me and I bled out. (I found out later you can tear a shirt apart and stop the bleeding, around life 5).

Life 3: I became a small Asian woman and after finding a nice orange rain coat was immediately killed by 2 fully equipped gentlemen in full army gear. They left me unconscious choking on blood on the side of the road.

Life 4: I am a black man who apparently frequented the gym a good bit before the apocalypse. I find an axe, designer sunglasses (badly damaged) and a green beanie. I was starting to get the hang of it when a zombie got me. I had thrown away my shirt before I found out it could safe my life. I bled out in the city searching for a dirty rag.

Life 5: My connection just timed out as 3 zombies pummeled me, so this one is probably over as well. I immediately found a well to drink from (your character spawns with an enormous thirst) and a violet backpack. You'll quickly find that space to put things is the number 2 priority. First is not dying. A backpack gets you 25 spaces, whereas pants and shirts can give you 2-6. But, a fire extinguisher will take up more room than a pen. I was doing quite well (I did get glitched into a room that didn't exist and which I couldn't escape from but I found out that if I run at the wall and vault I'll storm through it). I had found plenty of food and pop to hold me over and also a shotgun (no ammo) and axe. By this point I looked up the bleeding to death and found out about the shirt rags. (The forums quickly answered all the questions I had). Apparently the loss of blood with begin to turn your world grey. I ate some beans and spaghetti and drink a pop but my world didn't improve.

Once I fixed the graphics to fit my computer's apparently anemic means the game ran quite smoothly. If you're having trouble running it, change it from first to 3rd person. That made the game look and run much cleaner. It looks good as long as you don't experience massive blood loss.

I recommend getting your guy geared up and fed on a PVE server and then hopping over to another server. From the sounds of it if you don't gang up pretty quick you'll be dead or starving quite soon.

You don't level up, there are no missions, you receive nothing from killing zombies, and all there is to do is get better gear and survive.

This game is The Road it isn't Fallout. You have your destination (wherever your mind takes you) where you hear things are nicer and the people are sweeter and canned sardines (damaged) fall from the sky like manna and once you get there it is grey and dead like the place you started.

It is $30 on steam and was made by Bohemian Interactive. From the voice of the characters and the signs on the road they must be a bunch of Ruskies. At first I thought I was duped because my graphics were all wrong and it looked terrible. Once you get it figured out though you'll spend plenty of hours going through houses.

The game is in alpha stage I believe and there is still quite a bit to do. My wishlist would be: 1. Be able to open cabinets and all the doors; 2. A wider variety of items 3. A wider variety of environments 4. And other listy stuff.

First thing you should do is get an axe or shovel and go hit a wall. Sounds like ricocheting bullets. Also I get an error message every hour or so telling me the military beret is unavailable. Take the good with the bad.

I'm a zombie apocalypse survival junky and this game is what I've always wanted. It hasn't reached its full potential yet and I can't wait until it's all polished up and ready to serve.

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